A woodsy, mysterious blend of rich mahogany, teakwood and frosted lavenderWhat it smells like: borrowing their flannel for a hike in the woods.Fragrance notes: mahogany, black teakwood and lavender.
What it smells like: the fragrance equivalent of your little black dress—beautiful, timeless and beloved.Fragrance notes: Japanese cherry blossom, Asian pear, fresh mimosa petals, white jasmine and blushing sandalwood.
What it smells like: a sweet, heart-warming celebration.Fragrance notes: pink prosecco, sparkling quince, crystal peonies, gilded amber and amaretto crème
What it smells like: the fragrance equivalent of your little black dress—beautiful, timeless and beloved.Fragrance notes: Japanese cherry blossom, Asian pear, fresh mimosa petals, white jasmine and blushing sandalwood.